Tips on Cycling- what you need to know

Tips on Cycling- what you need to know


Cycling is a good form of exercise that many people love to engage in , It can also be a way to clear your mind and can be done both outside and indoors as well. Whether you are cycling as a way of exercis or to transport yourself to and from work, cycling is good exercise for your body and mind. It is one of my favorite sports in my growing up days .


In this post, we will look into some tips you need to know about cycling and what you need to know . First of all , you need to have the passion to get started, and getting started is straighthforward – All you need includes a bike or bicycle and a helmet and some basic tips to get you moving in the right direction .Putting these tips to practice will help you to go from a novice cyclist to an expert . Below are what you need to know in other to get started


These are what you will need

  • Bike
  • Helmet
  • Gear
  • Cycling shoes

The type of bike to choose from is being determined by where you choose to cycle . A road bike is meant for paved street while a mountain bike is geared for rugged terrain. It is advisable to shop for bike in person according to experts . Visit a local bike shop and see things for yourself instead of buying it online so that you will avoid making those rookie mistakes of buying the wrong size bike .


This is an essential piece of safety gear to wear before hopping on ypur bike . This minimizes head injuries in a bike crash or falling due to icy road or slippery pavement. Ensure that your helmet sits snugly on your head and does not move much whenever you shake your head. You may need to try different sizes to find out which one fits your head. You can  as well talk to a professional for proper recommendations


These are known for stiff soles and are designed to clip onto the bike pedal . As a beginner , you can start with sneakers until you feel more comfortable to clip on bike shoes

Bear in mind that you need to practice in an area where you can fall with minimum injury when wearing cycling shoes .  In one study, cycling shoes were beneficial when riding uphill and doing high-power sprints but riding at a steady and low-intensity rate didn’t show advantages.5

As a beginner in cycling , ensure that you have a bicycle that works properly and fits you . Then these are the things to put into consideration before setting out on a long cycling ride

  • Get a tune up and inspection
  • Practice first before hotting the road
  • Know your contact points
  • Join a cycling Club for more tips

In conclusion, Cycling is a great way to exercise , there is an initial investment in purchasing some gear plus staying hydrated and eating nutritiously is also very important for an enjoyable and successful cycling routine, before you start , ensure you speak with a healthcare provider for guidance in figuring out if this exercise is good for you or not  

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